When people think about treatment – or entering a therapeutic alliance – they often have the perception that they are starting out on uneven playing ground. Professionals in the helping field are sometimes mistaken for “experts” or “fixers” rather than equals with whom one is forming a partnership. From the start, we want to reassure you that you are an equal. Our knowledge about and experience with recovery does not mean we are “separate” or “superior”. We view ourselves more as teachers or guides who can show you how to live a new life. You are in the empowered position to ask for and accept this guidance.
Our Treatment Program

Action Will Be the Cornerstone of Your New Life
By visiting our website or calling our number, you have already started the recovery process. You have taken the first step toward acceptance – which means that light is starting to creep through the cracking facade of denial. When you surrender to the fact that you need help and begin to recognize that you have a disease, a tiny seed of trust is planted. On some level, you are acknowledging that there could be another way to live and you are placing a sliver of faith in this new way.
Once you begin treatment, we will help you fortify your acceptance of and trust in the recovery process. Initially, it may be difficult to develop an open mind and a willingness to adopt something different from the cycle you have been repeating in your active substance use. This is normal and we will support you through it. When you become ready to assume a new way of thinking, we will help you actively implement this healthy cognition in your life. Taking action steps will be essential to attaining sustainable long-term recovery. However, it is not enough to take action once. Establishing habitual and disciplined action will be the cornerstone of your new, vibrant life. We will help you solidify these habits into a concrete recovery foundation.

We at the Process Recovery Center will guide you or your loved one through every step of the treatment process. I know that I would not be where I am at today without the help that I received from others and am grateful today to be now able to provide that same help. There is nothing to be ashamed of, and I know wholeheartedly that you can get clean, stay clean and live a beautiful life again. Please let us help.
– Justin Etling, CEO