Conquering Hurdles to Treatment

intensive outpatient drug alcohol treatment

The difference between an Intensive Outpatient Program (I.O.P.) and a Partial Hospitalization Program – PHP comes down to the number of hours and days spent in treatment per week. An IOP is one step down from a PHP in terms of contact hours. However, many of the other program characteristics are similar. Not unlike a PHP , an IOP is a cost effective alternative to residential or inpatient treatment. If you have already completed an inpatient program, an IOP is often recommended as the next step on your healing journey. It will further prepare you for success as you return to your everyday life and act as a buffer against challenging situations in the earliest stages of your recovery. An IOP enables you to stay in the home and even continue to attend work and school while receiving treatment. Participants can expect individualized treatment plans, psychotherapy, group therapy, relapse prevention, recovery meetings, and a myriad of other services.

The IOP is an ideal choice for someone who has life obligations impeding upon his or her ability to seek out or continue seeking desperately needed help. The Process Recovery Center can provide a lifeline – even around work, school, and family responsibilities. We are dedicated to helping you overcome barriers to treatment. The IOP model is just one way we can conquer those hurdles.

You have already started. Take the next step.
Let us join you on your path to recovery.