This experience has been amazing. I cannot say enough about the staff. The staff here truly care. When I first got here, I felt like I didn’t belong. After the first day, [I realized] that we all share the same disease of addiction. I could go on and on about everything I’ve learned. I’m inspired to do so many positive things. I want to go back and help my tribe. I would love to build a sober house and really involve myself with service work. I’m willing to go to any extent to remain sober. I don’t wake up sick. I’m healthy and I’m smiling. When I first walked in here, I was broken and hopeless. I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror. Now I feel twinkly like a holiday. They showed us that there is fun in sobriety. I don’t have to be drunk. People are laughing and it’s like a family here. The women and men are like my kids or my brothers and sisters. There is so much support. If you don’t have a family or you burned your bridges, there are people [in recovery] who [will] truly love you. You don’t have to be alone anymore. Don’t isolate or be afraid to cry. I held in those tears and only told half truths. I’m finally feeling free. I am forever grateful.

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Angies’s :The Process Recovery Center is willing to serve anyone. If you are eighteen years of age or older, you are eligible to receive services. We recognize that certain stigmas exist around substance use disorders; some people believe that opioid use disorder is a “young person’s disease”. Alcohol use disorder is sometimes labelled as an “older person’s disease”. The Process Recovery Center in Hudson, NH aims to combat all stigma, but we are particularly concerned with removing ageism as a barrier to treatment. Despite differences in age, we all suffer from the same disease. Substance use does not discriminate; it touches people of all ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic positions. However, if you examine the other side of the coin, you will find that recovery does not discriminate, either. The door to a new way of living is wide open and everyone is invited to pass through. Our modalities of treatment are not tailored toward labels, but toward recognizing the human being. At the Process Recovery Center, we celebrate our differences and learn from each other. We bridge the gaps between us with love and compassion.